I thought breaking my right wrist would be about the same as breaking my left wrist. I was wrong. I'm right handed. It takes me longer to do everything and I just plain can't do other things.
For instance, I cannot open a water bottle :(
The funniest thing is watching people figure out how to shake my hand. I put my left hand out and people grab it like they are going to hold my hand and then they kinda shake it. It's really funny!
Thankfully I have the most wonderful husband(sorry, but it's true), and he helps me do everything. Wednesday morning Dallas got called into work and I had to get ready on my own.
I ended up having to go to my rotation late, without breakfast or lunch, my favorite glasses broke, and my hair was awful. It was not a good morning:(
Every other morning I've been clean, dressed, hair done, make-up on, well fed with lunch, and with sunglasses:)
He's so wonderful, I couldn't do it without him!
I get my new (removable) splint next tuesday!! I cannot wait, I'm so tempted to take this one off so I can clean my arm! Maybe I'll "accidentally" get it wet....jk