2009 Looking Back.... (Stolen from Laurie Jane)
What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
D:Started graduate school!
N:Delivered babies!!
Did you keep your new years' resolutions?
D: What new year's resolutions?
N: Don't remember...some maybe...mostly no.
What are some of your resolutions for 2010?
D: Learn something profession related everyday!
N: Survive and Graduate from PA school.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
D: Mindy my sister did to Ginormica aka Nellie.
N: Christy my sister did to skinny mini :)Love you Anna
Did anyone close to you die?
D & N: NO
What countries did you visit?
D: Just the good 'ol US of A
N: Nope no time for that kind of silliness.
What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
D: Steady employment.......................
N: A degree in Physician Assistant Studies.
What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
D: August 29th, the day of my first Triathlon in Bear Lake, Utah/Idahoish
N: Last day of class. (Sometime in May I think)
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
D: Olympic Triathlon, got sixth place...in my age group.
N: Surviving my first 5 rotations and passing (barely) all my exams. whew.
What was your biggest failure?
D: What's that?
N: Answering questions like; If the patient presents with this, what is it?....and this....and this....and this...and this (As I sit miserably racking my brain for anything that might sound a little intelligent and thinking, "am I really supposed to know this???")
Did you suffer illness or injury?
D: Shin splints...ouch.
N: I broke my arm...just a little bit.
What was the best thing you bought?
D & N: New Car, at least for us!
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
D: Barack Obama and the entire GOP.
N: Kanye West (Such a dork...even Obama thinks so.) ---Is it sad that I don't know how to spell the Presidents name but I can spell Cholechodolithiasis??
Where did most of your money go?
D: Mortgage.
N: Tuition.
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
D: Natalie.
N: Having time to exercise, hike, bike and run:)
What song will always remind you of 2009?
D: New Divide by Linkin Park... cus (high pitch) I like it?
N: Breakfast at Tiffany's...Don't ask.
Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, richer, nicer?
D: Happier, poorer, nicer (questionable..ask my family)
N: Happier..poorer..nicer(you'll have to ask Dallas)
What do you wish you'd done more of?
D: Studied.
N: Study and Played more (maybe I wish I would have just found more time)
What do you wish you'd done less of?
D: Goofing off on the internet, reading the news.
N: Watch lame TV shows (maybe that's where my lost time went)
How did you spend Christmas?
D & N: With family, my cute, adorable Nephews and niece, brothers and sisters, husband and parents.
Did you fall in love in 2009?
D: I'm already in love, DuH!
N: Yes, I fall more in love with Dallas everyday.
What was your favorite TV program?
D: Comes and Goes
N: I refuse to make favorites at this time.
What was the best book you read this year?
D: The entire Dune series...all 15 of them. (Thanks Natalie:)
N: Book..that's funny...who has time to read. (I actually laughed out loud at this question)
What did you want and get?
D: IPOD touch (That pretty much sums up all my wants)
N: A new (automatic) car.
What were your favorite films of this year?
D: Blindside.
N: Blindside and the Proposal.
What were your least favorite films of this year?
D: Fantastic Mr. Fox
N: Fantastic Mr. Fox, All about Steve
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
D: Age 25, Ipod touch, can't remember.
N: Age 24, On rotation then drove to the valley for Dinner with my friend's at the Cheesecake factory...then a movie:)
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
D: I didn't have to work this year, it was great, I wouldn't change a thing.
N: Not being away from Dallas for almost 18 weeks of the year
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
D: You really can wear shorts everywhere and all year long.
N: Professional wear: Dress pants and a white coat, I tried white pants...Dallas decided he didn't like them so he shrunk them...never mind my bad.
What kept you sane?
D: Natalie.
N: Dallas and there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Who did you miss?
D: Natalie, we spent a lot of time apart:(
N: Dallas, my house, my friends.
Who was the best new person (people) you met?
D: Dr. Bennett and Scott, I worked with them at ASU.
N: All the wonderful people at all my rotations. The most meaningful, Dr. Alhaderi (Kyson's Cardiologist)
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009.
D: Don't embarrass Natalie in front of my entire extended family...She doesn't like that.
N: Don't reach out to catch yourself if you fall off your bike. Just take the fall.
What are you most excited for in 2010?
D: Trying to find something to be excited about...more triathlons and Natalie's Graduation.
N: Hands down, Graduation, at the same time kinda scared.
What are you least excited for in 2010?
D: Nothing... 2010 is going to rock...except I couldn't figure out anything to be excited about either.
N: Surgery rotation...ugh.
You guys are so cute! I loved your replies! Hope you do have an awesome 2010!
I love this. It is so creative.
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