Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's official: Rotations have begun

This post is a little out of order, so bear with us...

Natalie has officially finished her first year of PA school, which is why we were able to go with her family to San Diego. It was so much fun! We spent 3 days lounging on La Jolla beach. The weather was less than perfect for everyone but me: it was cloudy and windy with a high temp of about 65. Everybody was pretty cold for most of it, but wierdo me was absolutely loving it! :)While we were there we took the time to go to the San Diego temple with Natalie's parents and her sisters. It was a nice break from the giant kegger party that is Southern California in the summertime.

Natalie's first two rotations are up in Show Low, so we spent last weekend moving her and her friend up to Show Low. She's working in a Family Practice doctor's office and so far it has been pretty uneventful. She mostly just follows the doctor around as he sees all his patients. It has been kind of weird having Natalie gone, the house feels really empty without her! I (still) haven't received a schedule from my work for this month, so it looks like I'll be able to spend a lot of time up there hanging out with her little brothers while she's at work!

I updated our slideshow with some of the pictures we took in San Diego, and one thing I've noticed is that we really like to take pictures of ourselves in goofy sunglasses. The pictures are randomized, and while I was watching it there were 4 pictures in a row of Natalie and me in weird weird sunglasses.


Tiffini said...

You guys look like you have so much fun together ... as married couples should! :)

I came down in April for my grandma's funeral, and I think Jason had no idea what to do with himself! I think the poor guy moped around the whole week. Our last night there, he said that he watched a slideshow of ALL our family pictures. It was heartwarming, to say the least, and incredibly sappy!

Tiffini said...

p.s. I love the goofy sunglasses!